Friday, June 15, 2012

Creating a cristal scarf (1)

Here is the first part of tutorial of creating a christal scarf in combined technique (gold batic, layered wax).
This is fun and not difficult (even though it needs some time).

You need:
  • a blank silk scarf (if you use steam fixed dyes you can use any kind of silk, if you use iron fixed paints the best choice is transparent and light weight chiffon 3,5 silk, because the number of layers will be large (to 5) and if you use thicker silk the result will become too heavy and paper-like)
  • silk paints or silk dyes (minimum - the prime colors)
  • a plastic (to cover the floor)
  • a frame for silk painting
  • an oven to heat the wax
  • sof brushes for painting and hard brushes for applying the wax
  • some thread
  • and iron to remove the wax (and fix the paints, if you use heat set paints)
  • a steamer (if you use steam set dyes)
And here are the first steps of painting the scarf:
  1. Put a plastic on the floor and moist the scarf with water .
  2. Take a small part of silk between your finger and roll some trhead around it.
  3. Take another part of silk and continue with thread (without cutting it).
  4. Continue until the whole scarf is prepared.

1 comment:

  1. I like your blog. I nominated you for a blogging award. See my blog for the details.
